The Benefits of Self-Publishing

In 2022 , the benefits of self-publishing far outweigh the benefits of publishing traditionally. There are some exceptions, including academic texts or biographies of nationally known people, but for most of us, self-publishing makes the most sense.

It is also highly unlikely that an agent or publishing house will publish your work unless you are famous, have won certain awards, or are part of a special group.

Self-publishing gives you 100 percent control over your content, your images, and your ideas. Self-publishing cuts out the middleman and, if sales are equal, far more money is in your pocket when you self-publish. In 2022 self-publishing is as easy as uploading your documents to publishing platforms and hitting "go!" This means your completed book will be available months and even years before a traditional publisher would release the same book.

Many people think that self-publishing a book does not have as much gravitas. In reality, very few readers even pay attention to who the publisher is. You will be able to use a publisher's imprint and essentially release your book as published by that imprint and, if you follow the guides I provide in our course at, your book will be as widely available in any bookstore as a book published by Random House.

In 2022 traditional publishing is a dying industry. Amazon, IngramSpark, and other print-on-demand publishers allow you to produce a hardcover, paperback, and eBook. The hardcovers and paperbacks are as good-looking and professional as any book found in a bookstore that was published by a New York publishing company.

Self-publishing is the answer for most writers in 2022. This means that if your book is well-written, formatted correctly, and has a strong marketing campaign, it will stand out among self-published books and may even find its way to print by an acquiring publishing company that sees the potential.

In 2022 self-publishing is the best way for a writer to produce a book. It's fast, inexpensive, and allows you complete control of your ideas. With all this in mind, let's get started together on your next book! In my course at, I will teach you every step required to self-publish a book and do it correctly.

Avoid the “Vanity Press” at All Costs

I want to give you one warning. Whatever path you choose, traditional publishing or self-publishing, one option you should never consider is a vanity press. Be aware there are many "publishing companies” who will agree to publish your book for a fee. As a self-publisher, you will have nominal expenses such as editing, cover art, and typesetting. But you pay these fees directly to the outsourcers you hire. Amazon, IngramSpark, or other publishing platforms will not charge you anything to publish your book (although there may be nominal set-up or listing fees. In the case of IngramSpark, it is currently only $50 per title.

I have heard far too many horror stories about new authors who have paid thousands of dollars or even tens of thousands of dollars to get a book published. The companies that offer vanity press services will provide art, editing, and formatting, but it will be at a high price. A brilliant book cover on Fiverr can be had for about $100. Vanity presses will often charge $1,000–$5,000 to craft a cover, and there is a strong likelihood they are just farming it out to freelancers on Fiverr themselves and pocketing the difference.

Do not allow yourself to be scammed by a vanity press.  If a traditional publishing house or agent will not work with you, do not use a vanity press. They will take your money and likely give you little in return.

The general rule is if you have to pay to publish a book, you are being victimized by a vanity press. I can teach you how to become your own publishing company and do the same work with better quality controls for a fraction of what a vanity press will charge.